
Satirday Devotional...DANCE!


 Sisters and daughters
of Deborah
you who have
God's rhythms
in your limbs and loins
come to the battle
with your dance.
Sound your finger cymbals.
Wave your banners
to the Lord on high.
Be His dance of victory
against the killing and abuse
that threatens to steal
 more lives and joy.

Stand up tall and dance
carrying your banners, wearing
your brightly colored skirts and shirts…
ruby red,
teal and turquoise,
amber and golden yellow,
purple like the petals of the lilac.

Dance, Dance, Dance
your gyrations of praise. 

Dance, Dance, Dance.
Let your movements stir the air
in the heavenlies and on earth
to bring a change and a healing.

Dance, Dance, Dance,
You handmaidens and women
descending from Deborah. 

Dance, Dance, Dance,
Your bodies slicing through the air
with lovely grace,
slicing evil in half you are admitting good,
slicing through the death and darkness,
raising up those who were
thought to be dead.

all you daughters and sisters of Deborah.
with the newly risen who now have hope.
ask our Creator to show us what to do,
so that we may save
the wounded and slain,
those who perished from
the abounding evil.
Show us how to help them hope.

I will dance
to help push back the dismal clouds
of your despair
and mine.
I will dance for you.
I will dance for me.
I will dance for my God.

All you sisters and daughters of Deborah,
come let's dance!

You can find the story of Deborah in Chapters 4 and 5 of the Book of Judges.Chapter 4 contains the prose narrative and chapter 5 contains the story in poetry. From these accounts can discover much about Deborah, who was a judge and prophetess. We can learn a lot from her and adopt some of Deborah's life stories and her characteristics to make a difference in the world we live in today.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa (C)

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