
Thurday Devotional...3/20...Something To Always Remember

What Should I Fear?

In my heart I want to be someone
who follows flawlessly
the beliefs that I rely on…still

I find to my dismay I am someone
who agonizing falls short
of my cherished motivators…and

Painfully I am not that someone
who is always strong and absolute
following my spiritual principles…yet

Even though I want to be someone
who relies on my Creator to keep me
safe from real or imagined phobias…nevertheless

I find myself to be someone
who falls in to nursing her terrors
letting them spin her around wildly…thus

Feeding themonster of fright I become someone
who is out of control of her own beliefs
drifting on wild waves of her own terror…therefore

I wonder if I have become the sort of someone
who says she believes but does not act
in a way that shows her faith…despite

My best intentions to act like someone
who knows what is correct and true
I often miss so many of my goals…until

I happily remember that I am someone
who has been blessed by faith
that gives me my treasured knowledge…that

My fears are not being held by someone
who is abandoned in this earthly setting
Where I spend my years…then

I remember that
I am someone
who really has
nothing to fear
because my Creator
is the strength of my life.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa
This writing is written in a personal way. I sometimes slide into behaviors that are not representative of my beliefs and of my desired behavior. It is really our blesising that we know that the Lord is our strength. Whenever we disappoint ourselves we have been given the gift of being able to pull ourselves up and get on our desired path again.

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