
Devotional for 3/26/13

Downton Abby

There is a popular series on PBS by Masterpiece Theatre that has my family talking about people, the choices they make, and the things that happen in life outside of their control. I won't spoil anything for those who are still watching it on DVD or have it on their DVR. The story is an interesting take on a family and their relationships with each other and all those who are connected to them in one way or another.

Whether we live in a large house with employees, a small apartment that we share with others, or in something in between, we can each choose to be a valuable addition to people we come in contact with each day. This has been the gist of many of our conversations: the choices we make as individuals really do have a further reaching affect than we may ever know. Even if we feel like, or society tells us, that the role we play in life is not very important or influential.

 Teach your people to obey the leaders of their country.
They should be ready to do any good work.
They must not speak bad of anyone, and they must not argue.
They should be gentle and kind to all people.
Titus 3:1-2 NLV
What I have told you is true.
Teach these things all the time
 so those who have put their trust in God
 will be careful to do good things.
 These things are good and will help all men.
Titus 3:8-9 NLV

Dear Lord, thank You for guiding us and helping us to become people of worth because of who we are inside and how we are to others. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Mary, for this thought provoking devotional.

    It is so true that our choices in life need to be made ater thought, study, and prayer. The choices of today are the foundation of the life we live tomorrow.

    God bless
