
Wednesday Devotional..."Awakening In Jesus"

For many, many years in my life, even as a Christian, Easter to me was just a beautiful time of celebration. I had not totally come to grips of the true depths of the full meaning of Easter. And then I remember one year when we were praying for the upcoming Easter preparations and for the people, this particular year stood out amongst all the others.

That Easter morning the stage was set for the special music and sound effects and for teaching and all the extra things that take place on that day. My heart seemed to be extremely tender and open to what the preacher was saying that day. Everything and everyone around me seemed to fade except the words of the teaching. As the pastor continued to share all the things prior and after Jesus's death and His resurrection, and the furious love He has for all mankind, my heart became fully engaged. I was able to grasp the full meaning of Easter! What a glorious day!

My heart became fully alive and vibrant to the extreme love my Savior has for me. His sacrifice was huge and He triumphed from the Cross and is alive forevermore!

Jesus tells us in
Revelation 1:18

"I am He who lives, and was dead,
and behold, I am alive forevermore!"

 Allelluia He is Alive today!!!

In His Radical Love,
Sandy Billingham

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