
Friday Devotional...O Give Thanks

.......to the Lord for His many mercies     

In  Psalms 107:1 the scripture reads:

O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good;
for his mercy endureth forever."

What an amazing God we serve, just think …His mercy endureth forever! So often in my Christian walk I have come to the end of my limit or as the saying goes “ The end of my rope” and in my thoughts I might think “Getum Lord, Getum” but yet the Lord doesn’t answer most prayers like that, because his mercy endureth forever.

And how glad I am, because through my failings and short comings, I’m thankful that God didn’t count me as lost, but rather he has and will have mercy on me forever >>> Because, I have learned to give “Thanks”. Thanks unto the Lord. And I believe that is the answer to most everything in life, and that is to learn to give “Thanks” because the Lord is good.

Written by: Glenna Williamson

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