
Thursday Devotional...3/7/23...Miraculous Love

Good Morning,
Sorry to disturb you! My name is Jesus Christ; you hardly have enough time for me. I love you and always bless you. I am always with you.

When I read this letter from Jesus I knew right away that He was being facetious. He used a sentence which said the opposite of what He meant. He gets to the point in the rest of his little note. The final “Love, Jesus” holds the words that are the epitome of what Jesus thinks of us. In fact He showed his love for us on that Friday when He sacrificed all for us.

We are on the countdown to Resurrection Sunday. Considering all the excitement and energy poured into Christmas, many people cannot even fathom that Easter is more important. Sure! It is true that without Christmas we would not have Resurrection Sunday. Still Christmas is the beginning of the story of Jesus while Resurrection Sunday is when His story comes full circle…His mission finished.

We know the facts and feel thankfulness, but for many it is just knowledge that is flat compared to the real story. Here are a several stanzas of poem that was written by Naomi Ruth O’Shea.
"Jesus Death and Resurrection"

Jesus cried for all to see,
“My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?”
Now we know it was for our sins,
That this Man died and became our King.
My Lord was buried in a tomb,
Wrapped in a pile of cloth.
A stone was rolled in front,
For us his life he lost.
On the third day he rose,
The stone was rolled away.
The tomb was empty,
Where the body had once lay.
Now Jesus is alive,
And in heaven he waits,
Because one day we will meet the one,
Who is so full of mercy and grace.

This poem tells what this story means to all people from the world ever since that incredible and mind-blowing day. We need to go beneath the surface and remember what it really was that weekend in Jerusalem.

If you saw the movie, PASSION OF THE CROSS, you have a heightened understanding of the reality of His sacrifice. When we look at this drawing, we see the untouched picture of what happened to the Son of God as he prepared to die. He did this so that we could live eternally with him, and the biggest insight into God’s love for us is given in Romans 5:8…

But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


Help me to always remember all that Resurrection Sunday meant to You and means to me in my day and in my life now and throughout eternity. Help me keep a keen understanding of the incredible truth that I did not have to be perfect nor did I have to earn this gift from You. Thank you, Jesus!

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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