
Wednesday Devotional..."The God Of Abundance"

Part of my daily routine is a slow two mile jog, which I also use in prayer. This past Sunday before church I was off on my jog. I was just blocks away from my home when an angry, very small dog, bit the back of my heel. I will have to say I was completely taken off guard. It threw me in somewhat of a "tizzy" and I became quite angry. I proceeded home and tended to my wound and had my husband pray over me.

I was reminded how Satan is constantly nipping at our heels trying to torment us and rob us of our joy and peace. I was also reminded that Satan is under my feet, and I have authority to tell him to leave me alone.

Jesus tells us in John 10:10
"The thief does not come
except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.
I have come that they may have life,
and that they may have it
more abundantly."

I took me awhile to get my mind renewed in God's word and walk in His joy and peace once again. But it was a lesson well learned that super, abundant joy belongs to His people and that we have access to it twenty-four hours a day.

In His Radical Love,
Sandy Billingham

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