
Devotional for 5/13/13

The Dog Catcher

It started out like any other day that I went to visit my son at the Air Force base where he was stationed. He had chosen law enforcement as his career and had also become a dog handler. I was fascinated watching my boy who had become a man, and who was now a sergeant, demonstrate for some visitors just how his duties were performed. A few Airmen helped by approaching my son as he showed us how well his dog was trained to grab their arms to take down any threats to him.

The next thing I knew, I was the one in the ring with a protective wrap on my arm being attacked by a 90 pound German Shepherd! Later my mother would ask me, “You trusted that dog?” My answer was “No, I trusted my son.” How could I trust him while a security dog attacked me? Because my son had never let me down. I knew without hesitation he would not put me in a situation where I could be injured.
So then my question is, "How well do I trust Jesus? Completely? No holds barred? My answer is yes!!" Because I know Jesus even better than I know my son. Jesus has never let me down and He will not allow anything in my life that will not eventually be of some use for someone and will reflect His glory.

Sometimes when the 'German Shepherd' (trouble) in my life is coming at me full force, I forget that I have a Heavenly Handler, and instead I look for a fence to climb over. I am much safer staying in the ring and looking past the dog to the One who has me in His hands.

 Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm,
 for God can be trusted to keep His promise.
NLT Hebrews 10:23
Written by Jackie Gilmer

For the record……..I still don’t do roller coasters!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting lead in, Jackie, to present the idea that we need to trust the right Person. We need to trust loved ones, but the One we can trust without fail is God. He is our safety in all circumstances.

    Great write!
    God bless
