
Devotional for 5/14/13


Several years ago I was going to the top of the Stratosphere Casino in Las Vegas.  As I opened the door leading out to the viewing platform I stepped into one of those “Oh wow!” moments. While standing a mere 869 ft. above ground zero, my eyes couldn’t get enough of the city lights flashing, twinkling, and sparkling, clustered in the dark expanse of the Mohave Desert. I wondered what the Lord sees as He looks down on the earth - His believers shining so much brighter than the artificial lights, of course!
Reflecting on that scene now, it occurs to me that if one or two or even several lights were to go out, I wouldn’t have been aware of it, but what if the city’s power source was to suddenly fail and there was total darkness?  First, I would imagine total silence as the situation would be so unexpected. Then voices would cry out, growing in numbers, reaching screaming decibels.  As they realized there was no short term fix, how quickly would panic spread and settle like a heavy blanket over the city?   The power of light and the fear of darkness are intense.   
On to a “brighter” note - an elderly friend was anticipating her 100th Birthday, and in conversation she wondered why God was leaving her here. She was ready to go home to Him.  She loved living with her family but contemplated this question. “I can’t crochet anymore, I can’t go for even short walks, I can’t see well with glasses, I can’t hear well with hearing aids and an amplifier connected to the TV.  All I can do is sit.”  She was comforted when reminded that God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours (see Isaiah 55:8-9). Madge and her light moved to heaven at the age of 106. 

It occurred to me one day as I thought about her query – if God were to take her home in her timing, there would be a missing light in her corner of the world.  Jesus is the light in us. He has His reasons for keeping His lights in this world.

“The Lord is not slow about His promises,
As some count slowness,
But is patient toward you,
Not wishing for any to perish
But for all to come to repentance.”
(2Peter 3:9)

Jesus is the Power Source of all truth, light, and life.  He is God and He shares His light with believers.

“You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord,
And My servant whom I have chosen,
In order that you may know and believe me,
And understand that I am He.
Before me there was no God formed,
And there will be none after me.
I, even I, am the Lord; and
There is no savior besides me.”
(Isaiah 43:10-11)

Written by Sandy Schott

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