
Wednesday Devotional...5/15/13

  "Intently Hearing The Voice Of God"

I was born and raised in Iowa, where the tall corn grows. I recall in my younger years hoeing the weeds in the corn fields to make some extra money. I specifically remember a conversation with a gentleman working the next row over from me that I will never forget.

We were both believers and loved the Lord dearly, but his conversation still rings in my ears today. He spoke very confidently that it was brought to his attention that believers could hear from God. He strongly questioned that statement saying that was not possible and how could that be?

I was somewhat of a new believer at the time, but one thing I did know and believed fully, was that God speaks to His people. God had spoken to me many times previous to that time, and so, with great assurance, I could share with my friend that, yes, God speaks to His people today. In fact God loves it when His people will take the time to strip away all the distractions in their life and focus completely on Him.

 John 10:27 tells us 

"My sheep hear My voice, 
and I know them, 
and they follow Me."
As we sit at His feet, 
and gaze into His eyes, 
Jesus will speak to us. 
If we listen ever so carefully 
and fix our eyes on Him 
we will begin to clearly hear His words.

It is a beautiful thing to meditate and dwell and listen at the feet of Jesus. His words are sweet incense onto our ears, straight from heaven.

In His Radical Love, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful portrayal of how we know Jesus and Jesus knows us, He is our shepherd and we are his sheep. Good analogy which shows a relation of people with the one who keeps them safe.

    God bless
