
Monday Devotional...5/20/13

I apologize that this devotional is posted so late in the day...already Tuesday in some parts of the country.
Hope that you are not too busy to read two on Tuesday.

God bless
Corinne Mustafa



In 1976 Gail Sheehy published a book called PASSAGES which covered the different stages and of life and the challenges and crises built into each stage of passage. At that time I was thirty three and not to concerned about the later stages. Ms. Sheehy had some interesting theories. I felt that some applied and that some were not relevant to life as I understood at the ripe old age of 33. The book was well received and everyone was talking about it. I had a copy of the book, but sometime in the ensuing  thirty six years I have lost track of it. 

Somehow I managed to walk through the stages that were defined with only a few disasters.
In the nineties Gail Sheehy wanted to do a sequel to her book and when she studied the attitudes, beliefs, habits, and practices that were prevalent she found that people were staying longer in each stage. They were not gracefully rushing towards their elder years as defined in the mores of the 70’s. Rather they seemed to be slowing down to smell the roses and enjoy each level longer than before. At this time she added ten years to each stage. That is good news to many of my peers as we reach the last stages of our lives.

Our family could be said to be finished. However, this is not true. On April 20, 1968 a wife came into existence.  The earlier years were times of adjustment and compromise. Children came into the max and the marriage was a fluid thing…growing and evolving. This has not stopped even almost forty-five years later.

On June 11, 1973 my son was born. His mother was also born. This is a lifetime roll that we adjust to fit the needs of the changing ages of our children. Then it expands in  adulthood to adding in someone else’s adult children who become our “children” by marriage. 

Grandchildren are added into the mix. If we are blessed enough we might even meet our grandchildren.

I am at a stage when, while I do not dwell on it, I think about death more often. It used to be a thought about the distant future, now it looms closer. I heard a quote once that I cannot repeat word for word. However, it speaks to me. The gist of it is that it is a question asking, “God, if You wanted me to be happy to go to heaven, why did You make the world so beautiful?”  I could add lots to a list starting with beautiful world such as grandchildren to watch grow up, travel that now is possible, fellowship that is so wonderful.

While these things are true there are other things that are not so pleasant. As I age I find that my body is weakening. I have poor balance and less stamina. It takes me longer to get things done, and there never seems to be enough time. I get tired easily. I have to tell myself that there were always blessings and challenges at every stage. These are just the blessings and challenges of this later stage.

I am blessed that I am not afraid to die…still I think I would like to be here longer. I know that this is a tad silly and that I need to get a grip…to  put things in perspective so to speak. I need to do what is called Carpe Diem, seize the day and all that God has for me. This also includes letting go of things that have become too difficult to engage in as frequently. Life is good; it is filled with God’s blessings at every stage; we must be mindful to run with the things we have. God is orchestrating our lives according to His plan. I need to remember this at every turn in my path and embrace the fact that I will soon see God face to face.

The Bible says:

 "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, 
no mind has conceived what God 
has prepared for those who love him"
1 Corinthians 2:9

Eye hath not seen...
 This is the same as saying, that no one had ever fully perceived and understood the value and beauty of those things which God has prepared for his people. All the world had been strangers to this until God made a revelation to his people by his Spirit. The blessedness which the apostle referred to had been unknown alike to the Jews and the Gentiles. 
     True that.

Father, Thank you for your plans and what you have prepared for your people who love You. Help me to keep sight of the wonder of this and to accept life as You give it to me with joy.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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