
Devotional for 5/21/13


I dreaded the task ahead.  I’d rather clean an oven.  I wish I hadn’t seen the sign from the local Mission asking for used and other no longer needed items for their yard sale.  Now I have to go to - The Attic!  I loved my grandmother’s attic, but that was as a kid playing dress up.  Hearing the doorbell I knew my past was about to be on display.  

I apologized all the way up the stairs: for the attic dust, smell, dim lighting, and he said he understood perfectly.  I reached for the door knob.  It was stuck.  I pushed, I pulled, I wiggled, I pounded, and I kicked – surely that would be “the key”.  The driver asked to try - he turned that knob like it was well oiled!  I was amazed at the amount of things that had accumulated over the years. How did that happen?  We looked at stuff, handled things, laughed & shook our head at times.  He pulled items out of the corners, off the walls, and from the rafters.  Crevices, nooks, and crannies, were being set free of forgotten and hidden items.  The driver was always wearing a smile as he worked, evidently he enjoyed his job.    

Like the doorknob, an old trunk’s latch didn’t want to allow entrance it seemed.  But the driver used his touch and took out the first item - an ugly blouse that was labeled: Blouse of Bitterness.  The next item was a real shocker – a Pantsuit of Worry.  I didn’t know I was keeping that.  All the accessories were attached to it:  mistrust, anxiety, negative thinking and critical attitude. I was shocked. The bottom layer left me speechless and embarrassed as he asked, “Do you want to keep these Shoes of Pride and Gloves of Anger?  For some reason the shoes weren’t easy to part with. 

Putting everything into the old truck and locking the lid he asked if he could take it with him, not to be given to others, but destroyed.  Being near tears, I could only nod my head.  When he lifted the load and carried it out, I saw letters on the bottom- F.E.A.R. I experienced the release of that load in my soul and spirit, a lightness washed over me, as I remembered :

“Come to Me all you who are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.

 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me,

for I am gentle and humble in heart;

and you shall find rest for your souls.

 For My yoke is easy, and My load is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30.

He walked out the door and invited me to call him again sometime.  I was confident I wouldn’t clutter my life like that again and left the attic door open so the sweet fragrance and the brightness of his presence would linger. A week later I received a Fruit Basket with his card inviting me to call him anytime, that he would be waiting for my call, 24-7.  Now, you may wonder what kind of fruit was given in that gift – well, there was the fruit of LOVE – the fruit of JOY – the fruit of PEACE – the fruit of PATIENCE – the fruit of KINDNESS – the fruit of GOODNESS – the fruit of FAITHFULNESS – the fruit of GENTLENESS – and the fruit of SELF-CONTROL. There is only One Source for that kind of fruit. Mmmmm, yummy!  The name on his calling card is JESUS and He is waiting for your call.

Written by Sandy Schott


  1. You write with such beautiful imagery! Thank you my dear sister in Christ!

  2. Thank you Sandy...
    This is a God inspired write to show that we are holding onto many things that do not benefit us and in fact harm us. And in exchange we get the best fruits in exchange from our Older Brother/
    God bless...

  3. Great way to say what we all need to hear. We hang on much too long to the things of this world that really have no place in a Christ centered life
