
Wednesday Devotional...5/22/13

"Fully Trust"
It is one thing to say I trust in the Lord fully, but it is another thing to actually walk it out. So many times some of us can allow a cloud of worry and fear to keep us from relying on God. We may want to really give that situation over to the Lord, but there are so many distractions that keep us from doing so.

What the Lord is asking of us is to take the action on our part that is necessary and then trust Him to help us and act on our behalf. He so deeply wants to move in our life and give us rest and allow Him to do what He does so very well.

His word tells us in Psalm 34:8
"Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; 
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"

When we are able to release all the worrying, fretting and stewing and fear into His hands completely and not taking it back, then that is when He can began to move mightily in our life. The pressure if off because we have a powerful God that wants to take care of us and He wants to bless us.

When we fully trust in the Lord, we can experience great peace, joy and rest in Him and know our God has our back! 

In His Radical Love, 
Sandy Billingham

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