
Thursday Devotional...5/23/13

This is a poem based on verses from Isaiah 54.
The author said that it really is not a paraphrase,
just another way that she thinks think God showed it to her.


His Treasure

Your life,
I set with crystalline metals
The foundations of your heart,
In strongest sapphire blue
Your soul,
With deepest sparkling rubies
The love of your heart,
Gates of purest diamonds
And strings of precious stones
Guard your days

You are My treasure
More valuable than jewels
That are only earthly gems
Fading with time
You are worth My life
My gift of love
Greater than diamonds
You are cherished
Precious in My sight
Valued beyond measure
My treasure

Written by
Jody Ward

Shared b y
Corinne  Mustafa


Poem based on Isaiah 54

God's word is filled with passages that teach, share who He is. His scipture also tells us His thoughts about who we are to Him and how He feels about us. Isaiah 34 is one of the beautiful examples of this factor of the Bible that presents treasures to His treasures to you, His created treasure...made in His image and likeness.


Corinne Mustafa

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