

 “Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, 
that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.” 
– Hebrews 4:16

     I am not sure that people today, even many Christians, really recognize and appreciate what “grace” is.  Restoration and forgiving one another is not a recognized virtue in today’s society.  We hear much more about retribution, revenge, and looking out for number one – ourselves.

     So what is “grace”?  Grace is what God holds out to each of us every day.  No matter what our past mistakes or failures, no matter what problems our rebellion has caused – God is willing to give us His unmerited favor if we turn to Him in repentance with faith.  Jesus made us one with the Father by His willingness to go to the cross for our sins.  By accepting this free gift of grace a person can live life “through” with God, no matter what has to be faced, and know that God’s grace is sufficient.

     So the person living under God’s grace finds mercy instead of condemnation, help instead of criticism, success instead of failure, power instead of weakness, joy instead of despair, and life instead of death.  What a great privilege to come before the throne of God and know that Hi supply of grace is unlimited in Jesus – for this life and the next.

Written by 
Carol Lynn Steficek


  1. The amazing thing to me after being raised in a different system of belief about grace that has to be earned is that grace is freely given as a gift of God. It was daunting to try to accomplish constant worthiness to earn grace. Now we just receive it and it is present for us to use it when needed.

  2. His love is truly unconditional and no one is unworthy of his grace in His eyes. Pretty humbling to read this and remember that I am always loved.
