
Love Revealed...Part Two

This is the second lesson in a series that are being featured on Thursdays in WFM. If you did not read the first installment you can click on the link below to read the previous lesson before you read this week's lesson.

“Love Revealed”
Lesson 2
"For God so Greatly Loved"

"For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.  For God did not send the son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him."  John 3:16 Amp

Your God bestowed, He gave forth of Himself His only begotten Son, pertaining to the only one of its kind.  I cannot imagine giving up my son or my daughters for this world.  But your God did this because He greatly loved and prized you.  He desires an intimate relationship with you, His beloved.

Why did He do this? Why did He send His son?  So that whoever believes in, trust in, relies on His Son Jesus shall live and not die, shall have everlasting life. He came so that you would not be destroyed or ruined. He came to bring peace between you and the Father.  Oh what manner of love is this?  It is a personal love for you.  Not only that but He did not send Jesus to judge, condemn or reject you.  He sent Him so that you might be saved from this world.  My beloved there is NO condemnation in Jesus.  Only a Father's love for His child, and you are His child.  Thank you my Father.

When I first said yes to Jesus I did it to get people off of my back.  I had no idea what it truly meant to say yes to the King of kings, to the Son of God.  I played the game of Christianity.  Read my Bible, went to church, tried to be a good little Christian.  It really was all about works not about relationship, not about a personal love for me.  After a while I stopped going to church, I stopped trying to read my Bible, most of what I read did not make a whole lot of sense to me any way.  What I usually read brought condemnation on me. And when I tried reading the Old Testament it brought fear to me, an unhealthy fear, because I could only see a God of wrath in it. I felt there was no way to win with this God.  Then one day several years later I remember kneeling down in my sister’s house and asking our precious Jesus into my life.  I will say that it was still a process for me, a long process.  I still had the same ideas about who this God was and wondered did Jesus really love me?  For me my life did not change much other than I knew I was saved and was going to heaven, isn't that what saying yes to Jesus was really all about anyway getting into heaven, being good, doing all the right things.  Whatever you believe all the right things are. As far as I could tell that is what it meant.  But I am here to tell you it is not just about getting into heaven and has nothing to do with being good or doing all the right things.

God gave life while you were a sinner, if you received life through His favor as a sinner, then you have received much more life (favor) through His Son as a saint. Glory to God!  All who have said yes to our Jesus are in right standing, YOU ARE IN RIGHT STANDING MY BELOVED, YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS and because of that the favor of God surrounds you!  Hallelujah!!!!

God gave life while you were a sinner, think about this for a moment.  God gave life to YOU while YOU WERE a sinner.  God gave life to me while I was a sinner.  It had nothing to do with what a good girl I was or wasn't.  It did not matter what I did or did not do.  The only do I had to do was say YES to Jesus, that I believed He was the Son of God that He came to set me free from myself.  There is no performance needed to be accepted into the kingdom of God.  I truly believe that if I sat down from this point on and did nothing more I would spend eternity in heaven with the Father.  But why would I want to just sit down?  Oh beloved just knowing how he loves ME, knowing what He has done for me makes me want to work for His kingdom.  But I tell you this is not work as the world sees it, it is not drudgery, it is a joy and hard to contain what the Father has done for us.  I had to renew my mind to the truth that I had the favor of God all over  me, that I was His beloved, that I was in right standing, that I was righteous.  It is not my own righteousness that I wear, but it is my Jesus' righteousness that I wear. My beloved it is Jesus’ righteousness that You wear.

Glory to God!!!

Written by

Kathryn Hanson

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your lesson, Kathryn. When I seriously think and meditate on these concepts I find myself filled anew with awe at the amazing wonder of God's unconditional love for us.

    God bless...
