
"God Will Make A Way"

                                                Where There Is No Other Way

 Wednesday Devotional...6/12/13
There have been countless times I have been in situations that I felt there was just no way I could see an out. I would feel I was in a dark tunnel and unable to see the light at the end of it. Desperation, hopelessness, fear and doubt would set in. That certainly is not a fun place I want to be, and I am certain we can all agree on that as well.

                          The good news is that God tells us
                                                in His word in Isaiah 43:19...

        "Do not remember the former things, 
nor consider the things of old.  
Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?
 I will even make a road in the wilderness, 
and rivers in the desert."

Our all powerful God will always make a way. When the world says there is no possible way, the Lord will make that way happen according to His plans. He will plow through and make that road in the wilderness and His rivers of living water will flow freely in the desert.
No matter how bleak the world or even us may see our situation as, God will see to it that a way will be made! We as His people can always count on that!

Written by
Sandy Billingham
In His service 

1 comment:

  1. Fear us a terrible thing to live by. We have the most perfect Mentor who does prepare the way for us as we travel on our potholed road. To rely on Him is the best way.

    Thank you Sandy for sharing your thoughts on this topic.

    God bless...
