
The Restorer and The Twins

Devotional for Tuesday, 6/11/13

There once was a wealthy man who purchased houses for restoration purposes.  You could say he rescued them from destruction.  His plan always followed the same pattern. He would begin working on the inside first. Once the strength and function of the interior structure was restored then he would alter the outside. The peculiar thing about this renovator was that he allowed each house to choose whether or not to let him in to accomplish his good work.  
Some were happy to accept his offer while others were hesitant and asked for more time to consider. There were those who believed their house was totally unrepairable and wouldn’t let him in. Then there were those who rejected him outright. There was one particular little house who accepted his offer very hesitantly, wondering what he would be planning for her new inner life.
She and the new owner loved being together!  They talked, laughed, he told her about his father, why his father had sent him to buy houses, and what it was like where he came from. It was a wonderful life.

Then, one day, she thought she heard familiar voices in the distance.  Listening intently, old feelings awakened in her soul. No! It couldn’t be. Oh no! A feeling of dread crept slowly over her. Would her past come and ruin all that had been done in her present home?
The Twins were ring-leaders of a deadly gang of liars, thieves, and murderers who roamed her neighborhood seeking who they could destroy and control. She felt panic rising in her chest. She had been so happy and content. She looked to see if peace and confidence were getting ready to flee. Then she heard the voices close at hand.
“Hurry up and knock!” snarled a Twin outside the door.
“You do it! What if…?” a second voice squeaked.
 “Don’t start with what ifs!  I’m tired of hearing it!” barked the first voice.
“But, Fear, what if?” whined the second voice, repeating the only words it knew.
“Get out of my way!” Fear snapped at Worry. 
The little house didn’t want to open the door, but earlier bullying compelled her to reach for the handle. Then she heard another voice whisper in her heart, “Little house, why are you afraid? I am with you.”
“I don’t know. I just am!  The voices won’t go away!” she cried. But she felt a little strength come from somewhere and her hand dropped away from the door knob just before she opened it. The banging continued but she turned away and looked at her newly redone home.
Everywhere were signs of the special touch of the new owner. “Where are you, my Restorer? I don’t see you or feel your presence,” she cried deep within.
“Fear not, for I am with you,” he answered in return. “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” he continued.
As these words flooded into her heart and mind, other words of truth began to tumble over one another. Soon the words were rushing in, covering her from head to toe, filling her to overflowing. All of the truths she had studied and taken to heart were coming back to her to accomplish the finishing touches of the restorer.
The new twins in her life, Trust and Thankfulness, were now front and center where they belonged in the renovated little house. She did not open the door to the evil twins. Her heart swelled with gratefulness as she lifted her face up towards heaven where her help came from.
 “I will trust in You, Lord,
 with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding. 
 In all my ways I will acknowledge You,
and You will make my paths straight.
  I will not be wise in my own eyes;
 I will fear You, Lord, and turn away from evil.
 It will be healing for my body and refreshment to my bones."
Proverbs 3:5-8
Written by Sandy Schott


  1. This is an amazing analogy, Sandy.

    If we let fear and worry overtake us we will be lost. Thanks to the Lord that we also have gifts from the Him of Trust and Thankfulness which allows us to follow Him with confidence.

    God bless.

  2. Lovely expressive choice of words to give us strength.

  3. As always I love your stories Sandy!
