

Devotional for 6/30/13

We have had the hottest week of the year this past week here in Phoenix. And of course, one evening our power went out - no lights, no T.V., and most disturbing, no A.C.  I had to make the best of it, light candles as the sun set, and use my cell phone to call the electric company. Then I had to sit and wait. The rest was out of my hands.  I hate being powerless!  

Sometimes we feel powerless in life.  Perhaps it is with children, when we have difficulty getting them to behave. Or it may be over something we thought our spouse was going to do but keeps putting off.  There might be a health issue that is out of our control.  Or someone may be spreading false information about us and won't stop.  Maybe it is about a habit we feel we can't break.  Or there may be someone in the family with an addiction and we feel helpless over the situation, or even an addiction of our own that we feel powerless to stop.  There are many life situations that can elude our control.  

Feeling powerless is not usually a good feeling.  It may bring up thoughts of "worst possible scenarios" in our heads.  This can lead to all kinds of fear if we let it.  But it is when we are completely powerless that we can be forced to fully realize that only God can help us.  This is most evident when considering our sinfulness and our salvation.  There is no way any of us can earn our way into heaven.  But in our complete powerlessness, Jesus comes to lift us up.

Romans 5:8 (34 kb)

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.  Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:6-8 NIV

Dear Lord in Heaven - all powerful, all knowing, ever-present God.  I know that I am powerless over these things in my life right now...  I turn it all over to you.  Please help me to continue to rely on you as you handle these issues.  Give me the strength to make it through and the knowledge to know what you desire me to do.  Help my intentions and actions to remain pure.  Forgive me where I have done wrong, and help me to live a life of gratitude for your sacrifice and mercy.  In Jesus name,  AMEN.

written by Jan Andersen

1 comment:

  1. Good morning...

    I have felt powerless at one time or another about every situation you have mentioned in this writing, Jan. It is not a good feeling to be sure. Still the knowledge that Jesus died for us in spite of our shortcomings and issues brings feelings of solace to us in powerless moments and helps us find strength to continue.

    God bless...
