
Who Are We?...Saturday


                                     Who Am I?

Am I who you think I am
Peeking at me through those rose colored glasses
Believing I can do no wrong
Dancing down the roads of my time
To achieve a perfect life?


Am I who I think you think I am
Watching me fall over and over
Judging that I will never succeed
Hobbling down the unpaved roads
To disembark in failure?


Am I who I think I am
Looking at the underbelly
Knowing all the bad choices
Racing down roads traveled in error
To places I should not go?


Am I who I sometimes think I am
Considering some of my actions
Aware of what good I have done
Traveling down the higher road sometimes
To where His warmth is felt?

Where is the real me in all of that?

I am all that and more...

My Creator tells me that
I am who He thinks I am
Glancing down from the height of heaven
All knowing of who I try to be
Leading me beside waters still or churning
Toward the safe haven He has offered me.

(C)Corinne H. Mustafa

We always ask this question of ourselves. Our answers often reflect our particular feelings of well being on the day we are asking this question. The answer can be good or bad. Usually when it is bad it is because our knowledge of our "underbelly" is the filter through which we are looking. God does not look through this filter. He sees us as redeemed.

I was going to write more, but I think that the following song says it all. Please click on the link, close your eyes and listen.

So, who are you???

1 comment:

  1. Corinne, that was so beautiful and the song was a perfect ending to your lovely poem and thoughts. I am so thankful that God sees us with all our flaws and still loves us!

    Have a great time in Maine!
