


“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise;
give thanks to Him and praise His name.” 
– Psalm 100:4

Someone told me a story recently about a friend of hers who sent self-addressed stamped card to her grandchildren with the gifts she sent them to teach them it is proper to say “thank you” for presents!  I think she should have said something to her children, rather, reminding them about properly raising grateful children.

     Even Christians often live lives toward God with a spirit of ungratefulness.  Lie in bed some morning and start counting the blessings you should be grateful for without even getting up.  You will soon begin to name so many you cannot even count them.  Being a nurse has made me aware of many blessings of health and wholeness which we should be grateful for every day which many people do not have.  We live in a society which is beyond the conception of how most people in third world countries live and yet we often take all of it for granted.

     The material things do not even touch what we should be most grateful for – the love of God for us in giving His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins so that we can have fellowship with Him here on earth and the promise of eternal life with Him in heaven.   Do we thank God for the gift of faith and for the grace He gives us to live each day?  Do we thank Him for the direction and guidance He gives us in His Word, the Bible?  Do we thank and praise Him just to thank and praise Him for Who He is?  Praise His Name!

Written by  
Carol Lynn Steficek


  1. Thanksgiving/gratefulness...two sides of the same coin. It seems as though in this modern world people often forget to say thanks for blessings not only from family and friends but also from God. This is a good reminder that thanksgiving is important all the time...not just in November. Thank you Carol

    God bless...

  2. Thank you for reminding us that our faith is a gift that we must count as a great blessing. It is the gift that allows us to submit to God's will, and be transformed into His kingdom-builders!
