
"Tears In A Bottle"


I am so amazed of the vastness of compassion that our Heavenly Father has for us. He is deeply moved when we are walking through sorrowful times. He  extremely cares for us as He sees our hearts are broken and the tears are continually flowing. We can never think but for a moment that our Lord would abandon us. His strong arms surround us and He envelopes us with His sweet comfort.

His Word tells us in Psalm 56:8...

 "You keep track of all my sorrows. 
You have collected all my tears 
in your bottle. 
You have recorded 
each one in your book."

Our God does not miss a beat with His children. He is aware of what is going on in our life every single second. Knowing that, I can comfortably rest in His abundant compassion for me.

In His Radical Love, 

Sandy Billingham

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