
Tick Tock, Tick Tock - I Feel the Pressure of the Clock

Tuesday Devotional, 6/4/13

Oh, hi there!  Thanks for looking in, have you got a minute?  Oh, you haven’t a minute to spare?  I totally understand; thanks for stopping for a few seconds anyway.  I’m short on time myself so I was hoping you could loan me a bit of yours.  
According to Webster’s Dictionary, “Time marks the period in which something exists.”  I find that my wants, hopes, dreams, and then reality, take a larger period than I’ve been allotted!  My mind and body try so hard to accomplish my daily plans. But often the effort drains my energy, leaving me with the sludge of frustration and weariness.
I’ve discovered that time has me in its space - not visa- versa.  I’m also discovering the comfort and encouragement of being in my Lord’s Word.  His plans were set “in the beginning” and whatever He has allotted for that time will come to pass.  Then I found the following Truths which quiet- (hush, God is speaking) my hurried; gotta get it done; hurry up, Lord, we’re going to be late; thoughts.
God:-“Sandy, I will accomplish all things that concern you.” (see Psalm 138:8 )
Sandy: “I cry to You, God Most High, to You God, who accomplishes all things for me! (see Psalm 57:2)   - “For I am confident of this very thing, that You who began a good work in me, will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.  (see Philippians 1:6). Scripture addresses time in several ways.
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand;
repent and believe in the gospel.”
Mark 1:15 

But when the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son,
born of a woman, born under the law in order that 
He might redeem those under the law,
in order that we may receive the adoption 
as sons, and as you are sons,
God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son 
into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”
Galatians 4:4 

There is an appointed time for everything.
And there is a time for every event under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1

 “He has made everything appropriate in its time.
He has also set eternity in men’s heart,
so that man will not find out the work
which God has done from the beginning to the end.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11 

I’m a slow learner sometimes but I was encouraged by Jody Ward’s story about her particular lesson with her lemon tree:  “But I will keep going and keep growing. That’s what I was designed to do.” “Thank you, Jody for encouraging me - I’m keeping on!” 
Written by Sandy Schott

1 comment:

  1. Morning Sandy
    This is an excellent write about time and how we place it in the way when we try to be sensitive to His voice and read His word. From the start your unique style was appreciated as it made your point much more effective. Nice reference to what Jody had written.
    God bless
