
Our struggle...Saturday


We are the sum total of all that has gone before...all the good times...all the bad times...and everything in between. Sometimes the temptation is to give ourselves excuses for all the choices we have made...believing that we had no choices.  Although there is some believably in this paradigm, the truth is that we do have choices.  Some of us are better able to make good choices than others of us. Why is this? It is a factor of personality and individual strength.

I remember a time when I was blindsided by a temptation that I never expected.  You know if Satan told us to kill someone we would recognize it in a heartbeat.  This was much more obtuse and hidden.  I did not recognize it and fell right into the trap. After almost ten years I am still working on rising above this crashing fall that I experienced.

What about my growing up years made such a fall possible.  I still am not sure, but I do know that it is possible to rise above such temptation. It is necessary to be vigilant and remember that the enemy is one who hates us and plots our downfall. We need to remember...

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, 
against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world 
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
Ephesians 6:12 

Written by
Corinne Mustafa


  1. This message goes beautifully with Pastor Larry's series on perspective!

    Thank you for yours.

  2. Oh my, your last comment about "necessary to be vigilant and remember" (I know that word, I just don't think about using it in some cases!) that the enemy ---now I know that word, that name, but haven't time to reflect on that phrase and ignoring means carelessness! Thanks, Corinne, you've given me a needed heads up!

  3. Our choices are partly due to our personality and our strength, and it is also important to remember that it can be due to patterns learned as a young child as you mention, but most importantly it is due to our human nature, sinfulness. No matter how strong we are, we cannot be perfect, we cannot always resist temptation, we cannot overcome addictions. Sometimes we forget to rely on God's power that can overcome anything, and instead we get wrapped up in relying on our own strength which is never enough against the powers of evil. What made such a fall possible? Man's fall into sin from the beginning of time. How do we rise above it? We work on our spiritual condition - and strengthen our reliance on God! Thanks for this devotional!
