


"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High 
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  
I will say of the Lord, 
"He is my refuge and my fortress, 
my God, in whom I trust." 
Psalm 91:1, 2

One of the basic needs of all human beings is a feeling of security.  We see this immediately with babies as they respond to their mothers who supply all of their needs including love.  As growing children we see this in the way they respond to their parents -- holding their hands as toddlers, dashing for a parent to cry in their arms when hurt, rushing home after school to the security of their own home and room.

     Adults seek this same security.  One thing which can be said of the world today is that it offers no one any security.  This is evident by events such as the Boston bombing that happened in a crowd while watching a marathon, or towns flattened by plant explosions and tornadoes.  Even our very private homes and possessions are not safe from theft.  Neither are our personal identities via computer or credit cards.  We live in a very insecure world.

     So where does the Christian find security? -- only in One, and that is our heavenly Father.  He has never promised a trouble free life.  The same thing happens to Christians as all the other people in the world.  God does, however, promise He will be our refuge and fortress in the midst of calamity and hardship.  No matter what happens He is our security and will see us through life until He takes us home.  The Christian feels a special peace in the midst of everything -- which other people only long for.  Just like a mother bird shelters her young under her wings, so God shelters His children.  Trust Him for your true security.

Written by
Carol Steficek


  1. It is a time of world wide insecurity. What a blessing that we know that God has our back. There is a song called, "Even if the Healing
    Does Not Come." The theme is that even if what we worry does not happen we can still be assured that God is is still working for our good.

    Thank you, Carol
    God bless...

  2. Sometimes we have to practice radical acceptance that we are not secure, but also that God is our ultimate security! Thanks for sharing!
