


"But godliness with contentment is great gain." 
I Timothy 6:6

     If you would take a poll today regarding how "content" people are, I think you would be surprised at how little true contentment there really is.

     As I write this, people are waiting in line as much as three hours to buy a lottery ticket for the biggest prize ever.  Upon examination you would discover that most people live beyond their limits charging multiple credit cards or buying things on time so always having to pay for something (with big interest rates, I might add).  The housing scandal some years back happened because people were allowed to buy homes which they could not hope to pay for.  People change computers and telephones and all the other electronic gadgets like they change clothes.  we are never content with what we have!

     God wants us to seek Him rather than "things."  He never said that it is not all right to fill our basic needs -- it is fine to have money and possessions.  However, He wants us to realize that there is more to life than material possessions, and we cannot all have the same things.  God wants us to count our own individual blessings, be grateful for all He gives us, and to be content.  

God gives us, as Christians, many gains others do not possess -- salvation through the blood of Jesus, grace and faith to live trusting Him, His unconditional love, and the hope of eternal life in heaven as a free gift.  We have more than enough to be content in God.  Truly, godliness with contentment is great gain.!

Written by 
Carol Steficek

Here is the good news in song for today...
Please click on this link


  1. I think that sometimes we loose contact with what it takes to have contentment. Trust and dependence on the Lord with no questions is the key.
    God bless...

  2. I have found that each moment I acknowledge my contentment, they last longer and happen more often. Perhaps we should pray for more peace and contentment in this world, so gratitude will grow...

  3. If anyone wants to read a great book that is a great illustration of this important lesson, read "Kisses From Katie," by Katie Davis. It is the story of a young woman who gave up everything to live in Uganda and share the love of Jesus. An inspiring and challenging read! ~Rebecca
