
"Glory in Your Elevation"...Thursday


Let the brother in humble circumstances 
glory in his elevation [as a Christian, 
called to the true riches and to be an heir of God].
James 1:9

This is a command that the Father has given to us that those with little should rejoice in eternal things, not the things of this world.  Our God gives us eternal treasures that we will never loose.  Christians with the least amount of earthly wealth are richer than the wealthiest persons of this world. 

When we look at things from the Father's eyes we see things differently.  We see how rich we truly are.  We see the position that we have been given in Christ.  When we take hold of  Jesus as our Lord and Savior we enter into a union with Him. 

When we enter into a union with Jesus
  • You have a new identity,
  • You have eternal life,
  • You have been declared righteous,
  • You have been grafted into His family,
  • You have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of Light,
  • You have been given power and authority,
  • You have now become an heir to His kingdom,

Your position has been moved from lowly to a high position.  You have now become a member of God's chosen people, a part of His royal priesthood, you are a citizen of God's Holy nation.

Written by 
Kathryn Hanson

Here is a song for you to listen to this morning
as you spend time with Him.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I stop to ponder this I am in awe. I know that this is a fact, but I can hardly take it in that He could love me so much that I am now His child.
    God bless...
