


                   GOD THE FATHER:  THE COMPOSER
                         GOD THE SON:  THE DIRECTOR
                                GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT:  THE MUSICIAN
                                      CHRISTIANS:  THE INSTRUMENTS
                                            BODY OF CHRIST:  THE ORCHESTRA
                                                 UNSAVED WORLD:  THE AUDIENCE

     The goal of the director, Jesus, is to direct the music according to what the composer, the Father, had in mind and in His will when composing it.  The music is our lives.

     The first rule for members of the orchestra is to keep their eyes on the director at all times.  The result is harmony, rhythm, and glorious music.  When we don’t keep our eyes on Him, there is chaos and disharmony.  As in life, if we desire only to do the will of the Father in our lives, there will be harmony in our inner spirits and in our relationships with those we are in contact with in our daily lives.

     What happens when we are in discord with one another?  The audience, (unsaved world) cringes as the music coming from us is repulsive to their ears; pushing them away even further from God.  The only way we can be His witnesses is by serving one another.  Only then will there be harmony which will attract the audience; winning their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ.  They will want to join the orchestra.
  Sometimes we instruments get out of tune.  We are either too flat or too sharp.  As a violin, it hurts as my musician, the Holy Spirit, tightens or loosens my strings in order to get better music out of me.  It hurts when God allows discomforts to come into our lives in order to get purer, sweeter notes out of us.

     Depending on the piece of music being played, different instruments will be given larger or smaller parts to play.  We, as God’s instruments should always be content with the parts He has assigned to us.  The composition, made of larger and smaller parts, becomes the majestic beauty of the whole piece.  Each member of the orchestra has been given different  sheets of music, but because of the Divine Composer’s wisdom, they transform into a magnificent symphony that gives glory to Himself.

     There is however, a major difference between instruments and us.  Human beings have free wills.  We can choose to be members of the orchestra, but lock ourselves in our own instrument cases.  These hiding places are of our own making, be they selfishness, limited love, fear, bitterness or apathy.  After a while, an instrument that doesn't play its music will be discarded.

     If our desire is to be used by the Divine Musician to play beautifully for His glory and His world, then we can join St. Francis of Assisi in the prayer:


                                         Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.                                            Where there is hatred let me sow your love.
                                                 Where there is doubt, faith,
                                                    Where there is despair, hope,
                                                      Where there is darkness, light,
                                                        Where there is sadness, joy.

O Master, grant that I many not seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.  For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

 Written by                                                                                                                       
 Barbara G. Drotar

Worship Song for Saturday
This is a bit outside the box
I see it as an illustration of people
who are instruments
Serving God.


  1. I love this writing...we all must be willing to be God's instruments playing whatever instrument He gives us to play. I picked out the worship song. When I found it it made me smile, and as different as it was I felt that these people were uniquely instruments of the Lord.
    God bless...

  2. Corinne, You did a beautiful job of adding pictures and music to Barbara's soulful teaching. Enjoy the beauty of God's creation and rest this weekend to all. Karen

    1. Thank you Karen. It is a wonderful write. As for God's beauty of creation we circled the whole lake in the car this afternoon and I am totally blown away by what I saw. Amazing and awe inspiring!

  3. I very much enjoyed this posting! Brings a new perspective of our role in the God's plan - aka an Orchestra - thanks!

    1. Thanks Sandy...I grew up with this prayer, so it is not a new concept to me but it is a beautiful way to illustrate how God and His people have a hierarchy to do the things that are necessary for each other to share His word and His blessings to us.
      God bless...
