
True Worth...Friday



"...Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 
 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; 
make me like one of your hired men." -
Luke 1:18b, 19

     Most people who know only a few Bible stories are familiar with the parable of the Lost Son or Prodigal Son.  It really should be called the story of the gracious, forgiving father. 

     Neither of the sons in the story got it right with the father.  The younger son asked for his inheritance before the father was dead and then went out and squandered all the money.  The older son was the self-righteous one, thinking he did everything he should so he was "owed" by his father.

     We see a person's "true worth" in the behavior of the father.  He runs to meet his son while he is still a long way off.  He not only welcomes him home but restores the relationship with him as his son.  He shows the epitome of graciousness and forgiveness and mercy.  Just as our heavenly father daily shows all of us who return to Him in repentance as we have strayed and gone our own ways.  We are not worth something in God's eyes because of what we do, but just because we are His.  He created each of us uniquely and loves us with an everlasting love -- proven to us by the death and resurrection of His own Son, Jesus, for each of us.

     When you are having one of those days of disobedience and feel you cannot come back to God since you committed that same sin so many times before and it is such a struggle for you, remember, it is not what you do or do not do that makes you worthy.  Your true worth is in the eyes of God who loves you and will love you throughout all eternity.

Written by
Carol Steficek


  1. Isn't it wonderful that our worth is defining us as a child of the Living God no matter how many times we fall and have to pick ourselves up again. He is always waiting and ready to take us back. Thank you for pointing this out so beautifully.

    God bless...

  2. I love knowing that my value comes from Our Heavenly Father, and not from my many flaws.

    We don't have to be the best little girls in the world, we just have to be His.

    Thank you for your lovely words.
