
Circumstances (Storms)...Thursday


"Come on, then, replied Jesus.  Peter stepped down from the boat and began to walk on water, making for Jesus.  But when he saw the fury of the wind he panicked and began to sink, calling out, 'Lord sae me!' At once Jesus reached out his hand and caught him, saying, 'You little-faith! What made you lose your nerve like that?'  
Then when they were both aboard the boat, the wind dropped. "
 Mat 14:29-32 Phillips

Did you know that the wind and the waves didn't really have anything to do with Peter walking on water.  He would not have been able to walk on water even if it had been calm. Peter's circumstances (the storm) simply took his attention away from Jesus and led him back to his carnal thinking.  Fear neutralizes faith.  Peter began to sink because of fear.  Fear does not come from God.  Fear was able to affect Peter because he took his eyes off of Jesus.  Fear can not just over take us we have to let it in.  If Peter had kept his eyes on Jesus he would not have feared.  In the same way that faith comes by hearing the Word of God, fear comes by hearing and seeing something contrary to God's Word.  Peter would not have been tempted with fear if he would not have consider his circumstances, the storm.  We must cast our cares on God and keep our eyes on Jesus the Living Word not our circumstances, not the storms in our lives.  If there is a storm going on in your life right now and you feel as though you are sinking turn your attention back on Jesus as Peter did, because our God will save you from drowning just as He did for Peter.

"Casting ALL your cares on Him, 
for He cares for you." 
I Peter 5:7

Written by
Kathryn Hansen


Here is a song for you to enjoy today...
It is "Sometimes It Takes A Storm sung by Jessica King


1 comment:

  1. Makes one wonder why we do not just do it and cast our cares to Jesus and trust Him to take care of us.
    God bless...
