
"Yes And Amen"...Wednesday


We have all heard the old hymn from way back "Standing on the Promises of God." If you recall the chorus is,  "Standing....Standing.....Standing on the Promises of God my Savior... Standing... Standing.... I'm Standing on the Promises of God."

That hymn rings true to what God desires us to do with His Promises every single day of our life, and that is to Stand. God's promises in His Word are not just "mere words," but are every bit God's heart for His people.

He tells us in...   
2 Corinthians 1:20
"For All the Promises of God in Him are Yes,
and in Him Amen, to the Glory of God through us."

He gives us a resounding YES to His Promises! We as His people can grab hold of His Promises knowing fully well, God will fulfill everything He says He will do in His love letter to us. God's Promises fill us with much Hope, Joy and Faith. His fulfillment of His Promises are a great affirmation of His rich love for us.

I will forever until eternity be "Standing On the Promises of God!" 

In His Radical Love, 
Sandy Billingham

Here is a song for you to sing to the Father this morning...


  1. Hooray His promises can be trusted. That is the biggest promise of all!!! thank You Lord;
    God bless...

  2. What a welcome reminder of the power of God's promises. As a long time believer, I can attest to the victory we have as we lay hold of and stand on God's promises! To those who are new in the Christian faith, be encouraged that God's promises never fail as we believe, claim, and profess them.
