

Devotional for 9/8/13

The seasons will soon be changing.  Summer is nearing it's end, schools are in session, the leaves will start changing colors in many parts of this country.  One thing leads to the next, and before long it will be winter.  In some areas that means ice and snow will drape the empty tree branches and blanket the ground.  If that snowy surface happens to be slanted downward, there are bound to be some who propel down that slope.  In some instances that slide will be controlled, as on a sled with some steering ability and toes to drag it to a stop if needed.  Other times it might not be so well controlled, such as on a snow-covered icy hill in a vehicle that loses it's traction and ability to steer, especially if the brakes are applied.  And then there are those totally unexpected slides like when one steps onto black ice and not only is the decent not controlled, it turns one topsy-turvy with a not so comfy sudden impact with parts of the body not meant to absorb such forces.  

Life can be that way as well.  As our life goes through it's "seasons" of changes, we encounter challenges that can be a bit slippery.  That may include difficult encounters with others, or tough decisions to be made about which direction to steer our lives, or even temptations to do things we know are not healthy in the long run.  In some of these situations we may approach them with excitement or with confidence, or perhaps without much thought at all. In other instances we face them with some fear and anxiety.  Sometimes we may feel we have it all under control, and we can move forward at our own desired speed and stop when we want to stop by digging in our heels.  We may discover that this confidence was exaggerated and find ourselves in over our heads and unable to control the chaos we created.  Other times we may be caught totally off guard, and our feet are knocked out from under us without warning and we suddenly hit our bottom.  No matter what happens on those slippery slopes, we can be assured that our God is with us, ready to console us and support us.  He does this not through shaming, not saying "I told you so" or "I warned you", but with unfailing love and encouragement. He saves us from our own self destruction.

Unless the Lord had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death. When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.  Psalm 94:17-19 NIV

Psalm 94:18 (57 kb)
Dear Lord in heaven, you have placed my feet upon this ground.  I ask that you help me stand upright and tall, and to avoid the pitfalls that await around the corner.  And if I should find myself on a slippery slope, I ask that you hold me up and carry me through just as you have promised.  I thank you for your loving support in all situations I encounter. May I be a faithful and joyful witness to your love and mercy.  In Jesus' name, AMEN.

written by Jan Andersen

Here is a song for Sunday


  1. The only way that people can stay on solid ground is through the love of God. God is our only cane or walker and through Him we can stand safe, straight, and tall.

    God bless...
