
The Next Step....Monday

A phone call from my husband at 9:30am was unusual but not surprising. However, his words, “I’ve been laid off,” rocked my world. He sounded calm and confident that the Lord had a plan for us. I was determined to be supportive and not panic, I was grateful for his hour drive home so that I could prepare myself emotionally and mentally. Four months later my mind was fighting fear and grasping to keep a tight grip on God's promises in scriptures.

I was not alone. People around me were worried for their jobs, afraid of losing their homes, anxious that they might have to uproot their children. A friend was diagnosed with cancer. It was 2008 and a lot of things we depended upon in our society and our economy came crashing down.

I thought I was okay with waiting on God, but would He please just tell me "What was next?" and "When?" Sometimes I was filled with fear as I talked to God, other times He had blessed me with a peace beyond my understanding. More often I just put one foot in front of the other to get through another day.

"Good morning, Lord,
Thank You for this new day. Thank You for the cozy comfort of a roof over my head and the protection of four walls. I have been wondering what Your plans are for this family? Should we go or should we stay? Do we move or do we sell? We wouldn’t be the first to give up what we love and cherish for the unknown. But it’s only unknown to us – You know everything. Your plan is a good one (Jeremiah 29:11), please help me to believe and trust that with my whole heart.
I am afraid of not doing what You want me to do. I feel a little self-conscious making changes that other people might think are misguided. But I will follow You, whether You have put it in my heart to…move, sell, work, change, wait, say yes, forgive, start over, step back, or just go forward. Please show me the next step and help me to keep my eyes on You and to not worry about the road ahead.

 “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart
 and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know, recognize and acknowledge Him,
 and He will direct and make straight and make plain your path.”
 Proverbs 3:5-6 AMP 

"The fear of man brings a snare,
but whoever leans on, trust in,
and puts his confidence in the Lord
is safe and set on high."
Proverbs 29:25 AMP
We can make our plans,
but the Lord determines our steps.
Proverbs 16:9 NLT
Thank You, Lord, for little reminders everyday that I can trust You: my next step is to have faith in You because I know that You are for me not against me (see Romans 8:31).
"God is Always There" performed by Susan Best: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiSQsy_Q294
Written by Mary M. Wilkins


  1. In our lives we always have challenges. One of the serious ones is when unemployment is where we are. So many questions arise. If we can do this...
    our passage through this challenge will be less painful and allow God to work in our lives.

    God bless...

  2. Most of us can get through a rough season - if we can see how long it may last. It is when we discover that the season seems to get longer every day that our faith is really tested.

    Thank you for sharing your prayers, and helping me clarify mine.

  3. Thank you, Mary, for sharing a part of your life and God's part in your life. Blessings continued to you and yours - He's so good at that!
