
Time to Reach Forward....Tuesday

It is time to move from our perfect one bedroom home to a larger one. Why are we doing this if we are so content where we are already? I’m reminded of Abram and Sarai who packed up because the Lord told them to move out and move on. So it is with us, the Lord has told us it is time to move.

What we didn’t realize when we first started this process was that it would mean downsizing. How can that be? The new house is bigger. Lord, what is going on? It doesn’t make sense. Then His answer came to us, "Let go."  But! But! There are no buts about it, it’s time to clean out our accumulation of “stuff.” Oh, pain and agony!  Rented a storage unit and will sort it out for the annual church rummage sale when we have MORE TIME.  We have more wall space here but no “hidey holes” in the house or 2-car garage. It sounds so simple as I write this but we are both sacrificing as we figure out how to do this bit by bit.

Solomon, the wisest man who has ever lived, searched for the meaning and purpose of life, his observations in Ecclesiastes 3 are helping me focus on God's plan for me.
There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven.
A time to give birth and a time to die. I've done the first three times, but dying to myself has been on-going. 

A time to plant and time to uproot what is planted. The past was good, now it is time to pass on the blessings.

A time to kill, and a time to heal. I must choke the life out of the bad attitudes that want to creep into my heart and prevent forgiveness and compassion. 

A time to tear down and a time to build up. Tearing self from the past and looking forward and taking steps into the future.

A time to weep and a time to laugh. “Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalm 30:5. The laughter may not come the very next morning, but it does come.

A time to mourn and a time to dance. I have lost and grieved, but I have also danced for joy like the sugar plum fairies!
A time to throw stones, and a time to gather stones. Many times the things I want to hold onto are perfectly good things, yet if God says to let go, it is time.

A time to embrace, and a time to shun embracing. I embrace the work load to get it over with, do not accept the rejection and judgment some people send my way. 

A time to search, and a time to give up as lost.  Couldn’t find my keys for two weeks!  The woman looked for her coin & finding it, called the neighbors to rejoice with her– except we don’t know our neighbors yet:) I am grateful God doesn't give up on any of us as lost. 

A time to keep, and a time to throw away.   Here it is – the theme of our lifestyle this month.

Having had my say, I leave you with a few more of my favorite verses:
"Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead.” Philippians 3:13.“All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.    Ahhhh, now I take a deep breath and fill my heart, mind, and soul with “The joy of the Lord is my strength!" Thanks for stopping by and allowing me to share this new development in my life in light of Scripture! God is with us! Amen, sisters, amen! 

Click here to hear Tenth Avenue North sing  "Let It Go": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PEWianth7s

Written by Sandy Schott


  1. This is an interesting take on the problem of having too much stuff...especially ir it results in our making the stuff more important than God. Great food for thought.
    God bless...

  2. This is certainly food for thought. Going through this very thing. Thank you for sharing. Not from my own making, but that of my parents stuff, but yet it is from my past. Too much stuff. it is time to let go. Philippians 3:13

  3. I wonder how many gifts and blessings I have missed because I did not get rid of my old stuff? Thank you for your message.
