
"His Steadfast Peace"...Wednesday


There is one thing the world cannot give us and that is Peace. Only our Precious Jesus can give us His Steadfast Peace.

When the storms in my life and yours are roaring, we can be sure of one thing. As we call out to Jesus to help us, He is there. He will calm our storms and give us His beautiful peace.

Just this past week my heart was heavy over one of my children.  I will have to admit, I hung out for quite awhile letting that heaviness weigh me down. After a few days I finally decided I had enough! I chose to draw closer to my Lord and lay all of that heaviness at His feet. Slowly it began to lift and God's perfect peace took the place of all that heaviness.

Whatever is keeping you from experiencing God's peace in your life, lay it down at the foot of the cross. Then rest in His Wonderful, Steadfast Peace.

  For He Himself is our Peace,
who has made both one,
and has broken down
the middle wall of separation...
Ephesians 2:14

In His Steadfast Peace,
 Sandy Billingham

Here is a beautiful song for Wednesday
"The Song of Peace"

1 comment:

  1. Whatever we are facing it becomes easier when we give it to and trust in Jesus.
    God bless...
