
Let Everyone Who Has Breath....Thursday


“Praise The Lord”


My husband and I are blessed each morning to witness Pacheco Pass route 152 in California and sing praises to our King as the majestic sun comes alive with the brilliance of color being cascaded across the San Luis Reservoir and the magnificent golden hills.  As I see the master at work painting this beautiful picture I, too, cannot help but sing His praises.  Let everyone that has breath praise the Lord.


Praise God in his holy house of worship, 
    praise him under the open skies; 
 Praise him for his acts of power,
    praise him for his magnificent greatness;
Praise with a blast on the trumpet,
praise by strumming soft strings;
Praise him with castanets and dance,
    praise him with banjo and flute;
Praise him with cymbals and a big bass drum,
praise him with fiddles and mandolin.
Let every living, breathing creature praise God!


(Psalm 150 Msg)

Written by,
Kathryn Hanson
Here is a song for Thursday
sung by Hillsong



  1. Reading this and thinking about singing Hallelujah to praise the Lord makes my heart sing and I desire to sing with the YouTube Hillsong.
    God bless...

  2. This writing is a wonderful reminder to take time to praise our King for His marvelous works. How it must please the Lord to hear our songs of gratitude and love!
