


"Jesus looked at them and said,
 'With man this is impossible, 
but with God all things are possible." 
-- Matthew 19:26

     I am convinced that if we all really believed these words of Scripture that our lives would be dramatically different.  What size is our God?

     We could take to heart that we believe in an eternal, all knowing, all powerful God who loves us with a love so deep that we cannot comprehend it.

     What affects us doesn't affect God.  The barriers we have to overcome aren't insurmountable to Him.  He doesn't grow tired and weary.  He doesn't sleep.  He says ALL thing are possible for Him.

     So, do you need wisdom to make a decision, healing for your worn body, help finding a job, strength to meet daily challenges? -- look to God.  Have faith in God and trust His promises.  God wants to be all things to us and with Him all thin gs are possible for us.

Written by 
Carol Steficek 

Here is a song for Friday
Sung by Mandisa and Toby Mac

"Good Morning"



  1. His promises can be believed and they are new each morning.
    God bless...

  2. My God is unfathomably large, my faith infinitesimally small next to him, yet all things are possible - beyond our imagination! How awesome is that!
