


"But when he, the spirit of truth, comes,
 he will guide you into all truth." 
John 16:13

     It is a mystery throughout all ages of governments and intellectuals -- the search for truth.  When Jesus stood before the Roman governor, Pilate asked him "What is truth?" Sages search for it, intellectuals claim they have found it, society changes "truth" into something relative according to the current standards.


The problem is, there is only one way to know the absolute unchanging truth -- Christians know it through the working of the Holy Spirit.  Truth can only be found in 66 books, encased in what is termed the Holy Bible.  Truth isn't something mankind can discover on his own.  Truth can't be found by pure intellectualism.  Truth is only God's to give and He gives the knowledge of truth by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and minds of those who believe in Jesus.

     Jesus said that He IS the embodiment of God's Truth.  He left us all we need to know of truth in His Holy Word.  Are you searching for truth to live by?  Open the Bible and search for it -- you will find it there.

Written by
Carol Steficek

Here is a song, "The Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns 
for you to listen to and meditate on ...

1 comment:

  1. To find truth is to find all that you need, and truth can be found from Jesus inn the Bible.
    God bless...
