
“Spiritually Minded”...Thursday

Romans 8:5-7
 For those who live according to the flesh 
set their minds on the things of the flesh, 
but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 
 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded 
is life and peace.  Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; 
for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.  

I accepted Christ over 30 years ago, it has now been about 7 years that I really started to deal with the way I felt about myself.  I always kept saying God if I am a Christian why do things seem no different than before I became a Christian?  When you become a Christian are things not supposed to change? Why than have I not changed?  Why do I still have these panic attacks?  Why do I still not trust you God? Why am I always living in fear? Why do I still lose my temper? Why am I still living in my past failures? I wanted to know what was wrong with me.  Why was I not living a victorious life?  Why did I always seem defeated?  The list went on and on.

Guess what; since our God is such a gracious and wonderful God he began to show me that I did not know the love he had for me. The realization that I had value and that my God loved me began the process of uprooting the lies I had believed about myself.  God started showing me who I was in Christ. He began to show me how he sees me.  I learned I was His beloved.   I was the daughter of the Most High God.  I was His princess.  He showed me that He loves me unconditionally. There is nothing that I could ever do to lose His love for me.

If we feed our imagination with thoughts of what we do not want to be and stay in the well of regret and of our past failures It will produce that very thing in us.  We tend to reproduce what we put our mind on.  Do you know that we spend most of our lives reacting to what we do instead of responding to the call of God on our lives?  We reproduce what we focus on.

So how did I break out of that cycle?  By meditating on the Word of God, finding out who I was in Christ, I found out I had power and authority given to me by my Jesus.  I came to the knowing that I was loved by God no matter what.  Agreeing with God said about me empowered me.  It freed me from the power of a lie.  When we agree with God we step into the power of the truth of the cross.  We have been set free from our past, we have been given a new life, a life of freedom, a life of victory, a life of joy, a life of peace that passes all earthly understanding no matter our circumstances. 

I learned that my un-forgiveness of myself, the fear I walked in, shame of past failures quietly denied Christ’s atoning work.  The work He did on the cross.  The renewed mind begins with our new identity obtained at the cross.  We were once slaves to sin, but are now righteous.  My thought life must support the truth of God.  The mind has the power to affect our behavior either positive or negative.  .  It is not the external things that change first but our Spirit.  When we are born again we are transformed from the inside out.  God takes up residence in us, transforming us to a new creation.  Religion works on the outside.  While it brings conformity, it is powerless to bring transformation.

We must have the revelation of our true identity and accept the love that our God has for us otherwise we will continue to walk a defeated life.  If the Father can love me unconditionally, I can love myself unconditionally.  He loves me, He loves you!  Allow him to shower you with his wonderful gift of love that he has for you.

Written by
Kathryn Hansen

Here is an amazing song about how God loves us.


  1. This is a perfect lesson on the truth of God's love for us and how we end up second guessing Him thinking that we are no good, or unworthy, or impossible to love. Good one Kathryn.

    God bless

  2. It is amazing how we trust things created by man; such as buildings and roads. We trust our doctors and teachers. We even trust the news (more than we should) But we forget that the One Who Loves us Most, wants us to come to Him for strength and healing - all of the time!

    Thank you for reminding us so beautifully.
