
What Matters In The End?...Wednesday


Only He Matters In The End"

My older sister was a Christian several years before I became a believer. Growing up together we shared the same bedroom. When we were both in high school, she taped a special quote on our closet door. It said "This life will soon be past... only what's done for Christ will last." Now that I too have chosen to live for Christ. I remember that quote often during the course of my days.  It helps me keep a proper perspective on life.

When everything is said and done, truly all that will matter is how we lived our life out for Christ. That is what will be lasting...that is what will be eternal. There are a million different ways we can spend our time. It is so important we keep in mind on a daily basis, what should be our true priorities. That is to serve Jesus and to walk in His ways.

I have to ask myself continuously, "Is what I am doing today going to make an impact on the lives around me?" The answer that always comes back to me is ultimately, "only what is done for Christ truly matters in this life."

Here is a beautiful song for you to listen to this morning..."Lord I Offer My Life to You"

In His Radical Love, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. It is very important to consciously choose to live doing things that matter. Sandy's inquiry of the kingdom importance of everything she chooses to do is a very practical way to keep on track.

    God bless...
