
A Love Story...Tuesday


Beth answered the phone even though she didn't recognize the number on her caller id. A serious voiced man asked her if she was the "Beth" he was looking for? Surprised, she asked him who he was and what did he want? He then introduced himself as a private investigator. He was calling Beth because her son had hired him to find her. 

She was stunned. Joy flooded through her. She had nurtured her son for nine months in the womb then lovingly released him into the hands of a family who would love and nurture him for the rest of his life. Now he wanted to meet her.
When they spoke on the phone Beth felt an immediate connection.  When it was time to meet face to face, her son graciously provided an all expenses paid trip for her to visit him.  His family was very happy to spend time with her. Before Beth left, her son's mom reached out to touch Beth's arm and thank her for giving her son to them. 
Friends and family rejoiced with Beth. Her son had been 'lost' to her, but now she was 'found."  
As I wipe tears of joy off my face, my heart is full as I recognize that my friend's real-life story is also our real-life story!
We are lost. 
For everyone has sinned, 
we all fall short of God's glorious standard. 
Romans 3:23 TLB
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth 
to seek and save the lost. 
For the Son of Man has come to seek 
and to save that which was lost.  
Luke 19:10 NASB
The Son of God paid the price for our sinfulness by His death on the cross, and His sacrifice built a bridge to God, the only way we can cross it is to accept what Christ has done, believe He is The way, the Truth, and the Life, and confess our sins, which is to ask for forgiveness of our sins. 

For God loved the world so much that he 
gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him 
shall not perish but have eternal life. 
God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, 
but to save it. 
John 3:16-17 TLB

The Son searches and finds a lost soul, and asks her to leave her old life, and He will give her a new life. Then He brings the good news to the Father, “I found her!” 

There is joy in the
 presence of the angels of God 
over one sinner who repents. 
Luke 15:10 NASB 

We were lost, and now we are found. The Son is preparing a place for his beloved ones
and when it is ready, he’ll come for us, never to be separated again!  

“In my Father’s house are many dwelling places; 
if it were not so, I would have told you; 
for I go to prepare a place for you. 
And if I go and prepare a place for you, 
I will come again, and receive you to Myself; t
hat where I am, there you may be also.” 
John 14:2-3 NASB
God loves us! Alleluia! Amen!

Written by Sandy Schott
Click here to hear Twila Paris sing about how
when we choose to accept God's love for us,
we are "Placed in a Family of Love":



  1. It is awesome that even if we are not aware that we are lost Jesus comes to find us. I love that.
    God bless....

  2. This beautiful story is such a wonderful witnessing tool to explain our reconciliation to our Heavenly Father.
