
“Nothing Shall Hurt You"...Wednesday

10 16 13 

Sometimes I think of the Lord as my "strong security blanket." He is always there to protect us and watch over us. Unfortunately we do have an enemy, and that is satan. His job is to bring us down and harm us in any way he can. But the good news is that God has made a way to counteract the attacks of the enemy on us.

He tells us in His word in Luke 10:19 

"Behold, "I give you the authority to trample 
on serpents and scorpions,
 and over all the power of the enemy, 
and nothing by any means shall hurt you."

Now we know that our God is a God that does not lie. If He says it, He most definitely will follow through on it. We can totally take God at His word.

Jesus has given us authority over satan and all his cohorts, as we pray in the name of Jesus. We have Jesus living in us and so we walk in His power and authority every day. We just have to operate in it. We have to live it and believe it and speak it!

When the enemy is harrassing us in any way, we can rise up and trample upon those serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and remind them they have no hold on us. The Lord Jesus will see to it that nothing by any means shall hurt us!

The ultimate is that we give our God Almighty all the glory and honor He so richly deserves. He reigns over all!! 

In His All Consuming Love, 
Sandy Billingham
Here us the song for Wednesday.
The Name of the Lord is A Strong Tower


  1. The Lord has given us supremacy over satan. All we have to do do is exercise this commission to stop the enemy.
    God bless...

  2. Good one, Sandy! Sound encouragement! Lord, my hand is wrapped into Your hand, ready to go forth into the world as I Paint You into my day!

  3. Beautifully said Sandy! Ephesians 6:16 "Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one."
