
Lyrical Devotional...Thursday

Good Morning Sweet Women of God,

So I have been praying about this devotional and the only thing that keeps coming to me is the lyrics to a song.  Can not get past it so this devotional is lyrics from the song

"Always Forever"
by Phil Wickham

You are the hand that catches my fall
You are the Friend that answers my call

You are my day
You are my night
You are my love and all of my life

You are the love I need
You are the air I breath
You are my love my life

Always forever
Always forever

You are the Grace that covers my sin
You're everything the beginning and end
You have my love and all of my life

You are the love I need
You are the air I breath
You are my love my life

Always forever

Kathryn Hanson

Here is the link to listen to this song on You Tube....



  1. This is like a love song that we sing to God where we praise Him for th intimacy of our relationship with Him.
    Creator bless..

  2. Oh, this is wonderful - God's timing - Sandy's spirit "fulled up" as some little ones once commented about having eaten enough at a meal. Thanks for sharing!
