


"But my righteous one will live by faith."
Hebrews 10:38a

     Many people will try anything in life to help them with problems, health issues, financial setbacks, or any other challenges they face.  There is a plethora of self-help books out there on any topic.  They all sell well -- don't know if they are helpful or not.

The Christian, however, lives a life of faith.  Faith is the reality by which we know God.  The world must see first before it will believe anything.  The person who has faith, sees an "unseen" reality and knows that they can trust God without actually seeing first.

    Answered prayer comes when believing what is not seen already exists and is on its way.  Since God is not confined to present time, He already is in the future working out His plans.  We must wait until we get to that moment in time when faith becomes sight.

     The person who doesn't believe in God thinks this is foolishness.  The person who has a trusting relationship with God knows it is the only way to live.  This takes the burden of worry and uncertainty off of the believer's shoulders and puts it into the hands of God.  He is our Father.  He gives good gifts to His children, bears our burdens for us, forgives our sins, and loves us with an everlasting love.

     Living by faith allows the believer to live in joy and confidence that no matter what, God is there for them.  That sure beats facing the uncertainties of life alone.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. I love it that faith eliminates the need to worry about anything. What an amazing God we serve.
    God bless
