
Looking with Spiritual Eyes...Monday


Yesterday I was driving East to my brother's place. 
The sun was setting in the West behind me. 
The sky was a grayish blue. 
It had sprinkled earlier and a rainbow was created. 
The sun was shining on the tree tops before me and made them really stand out. 
I wish that I had my camera. 

The color of the leaves were brilliant. 
The rust and gold really stood out and was lovely to see with the light 
  from the sun shining upon it. 

I had a thought.....

A few days before I had said to someone that the leaves on the trees were 
  not as pretty as they have been in the past. 
I remember them being fire engine red, blazing orange, and bright yellow. 
However, for the past couple of years the leaves have been rust, dark red, and brownish yellow. 
Sort of disappointing and not as nice to look at. 

Yesterday, although the leaves were still rust, dark     red, and a brownish yellow in color, when the       setting sun hit them they were beautiful. 
I certainly was not disappointed with what I saw. 
They were very pleasing to the eye. 

People are like that too. 
Not everyone is beautiful or nice to look upon     if we see them with our human eyes. 
I'm not just talking about outward appearance,     but also their character or personality. 
However, if we look at them with our spiritual       eyes we may see something very lovely. 
If the "son" shines upon them or from within        them, WOW! 

But Jesus turning and seeing her said, 
"Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well." 
At once the woman was made well.

Written by 
Storm Hendrickson
Here is today's song
"Give Me Your Eyes" sung by Brandon Heath


  1. Sometimes it can be difficult to look with spiritual eyes. We become judgemental of others that may not be as enjoyable to know or those who are not as attractive as we might like. Storm nailed it here. We have to remember that everyone on earth is lit by the love of God who loves the person we are maligning as much as he likes us. And God's light never sets like the sun does.
    God bless...

  2. Oh, good one! Thanks for sharing, now it's up to me for the remembering!
    Lord, please paint this into my days with indelible ink - thank You.
