

devotional for 10/27/13

To clean house, turn over a new leaf, clean up one's act, purge of corruption, make one's actions more presentable or acceptable to others, shape up, change one's ways for the better, become a new and better person, start fresh, wipe the slate clean, begin anew.  These are all ways of describing what "reformation" means.  

When we hear the word reformation, we may think of various things.  In the church we often think of reformation as the time in history when attempts to change Catholic teachings from within eventually led to the Protestant churches beginning. But we also go through a personal reformation when we go through confession, absolution and repentance.  We confess our known sins and are assured of God's forgiveness.  Repentance includes turning from our ways, and then doing the good things for which we were created to do out of thankfulness for God's forgiveness.  This is also reflected in the 12 step recovery process, where the addict goes through a searching and fearless moral inventory, shares it with a trusted person, and amends their ways.  God desires our reformation.

This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Reform your ways and your actions and I will let you live in this place.  Jeremiah 7:3 (NIV)Jeremiah 7:3 (73 kb)
Sadly, we can never completely reform all of our thoughts and actions. We will never be able to be perfect on earth.  However, the good news is that God not only formed us in our mother's wombs, but he also re-forms us in baptism, and then he sees us through Jesus, the perfect Son of God.  He is the great reformer!

written by Jan Andersen

Here is a song to enjoy for Sunday.
"Your Great Grace"


  1. This is full of good news. We are always in the process of being able to key into the reforming power of God who sees us as we are made to be and then helps us to get there. It all happens because God always is sending out His great grace which finds and reforms us.

  2. So True! God is the great reformer. It is so comforting to know that our Heavenly Father does not give up on us. "He who began a good work in us will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6
