


"I was young and now I am old, 
yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken 
or their children begging bread." 
Psalm 37:25

     With the decline in the economy since 2008, the high jobless rate, the daily fluctuations in the stock market, the decline of the worth of the American dollar, and the continual rise in prices of everything we buy to live -- it is difficult for most people to face the future with any hope or optimism.

     Yet, God doesn't want us to focus on what we see.  He wants us to focus on Him and His promised provision for us.  God's resources are unlimited.  He has promised to provide for all who trust Him.

     The above verse in Scripture is one of many which tells us that God can and will take care of us.  We just need to listen to His direction for our lives and trust Him.  So cultivate your relationship with God, feed on His Word, and lean on His almighty arms.  He will not forsake us.

Written by
Carol Steficek
Here is a song about never being forsaken.



  1. Even when it is a dry time for us spiritually it is nice to know that He is there and we are not along...never forsaken.

  2. Trust and know he is God!

    1. This is a powerful word "in season."
