


But you are God's "chosen generation", 
his "royal priesthood", his "holy nation, 
his "peculiar people"..
1Peter 2:9

The definition of identity is the distinguishing character or personality of an individual.

When we want to travel out of country we have to show proof of our identity.  We have to travel with a passport. The passport tells who we are, all of our alias must be listed and a picture of you is also required.

The Word of God is our passport showing us proof of our identity.  That is our identity in Christ.  In our passport we have written in it all of our names.  Chosen generation, Royal priesthood  a Holy nation, peculiar people, a Child of the Most High God, the Righteousness of Christ, Difference maker, Light of the world and the Salt of the earth.  It tells us we are the Head and not the Tale. We are above and not beneath.  What we put our hands to it is blessed.  There are hundreds of scriptures that tell our identity.

Our identity is not our title in life (doctor, lawyer, server, husband, wife, daughter, mother, father etc.) those titles do not define who we are.  It is our Jesus who has defined who we are.  We must never forget our true identity our identity in Christ.

Written by
Kathryn Hanson

Here is the song for today...Hope it blesses you!

1 comment:

  1. It makes us wonder when we think about it seriously and with the thoughts of God in mind how we could ever second guess who we are since we are identified by Christ with his everlasting love.
