
Nothing Hidden In Jesus...Wednesday

10 23 13 

Soon after I had recently attended a women's brunch, a thought came to me of something I participated in years ago when I was single. I lived in a four-plex home that was very old. I had decided to put new wallpaper in the main living area. As I stripped away the old, I discovered there was not just one layer of wallpaper to strip away but multiple. It was a very tedious and long process to do.

I felt impressed that the Lord was saying that is how we as people can be. We have layers of masks that we walk in and don't allow ourselves to be stripped of those masks. The masks keep us from being transparent and open before the Lord and His people.

The Lord tells us in 1 Corinthians 4:5B .. 
"who will both bring to light the hidden
things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts.
Then each one's praise will come from God."

If we will but let the Lord, He will shed light on those masks and remove them if we are willing. It is because of His character and actions that we are able to be transparent before people and before Him. He is a God of incredible openness and self giving.

It is that transparency and vulnerability and translucency that will enable us to get into the hearts of those that need Jesus.

We can then walk with sincerity and be pure vessels in which the Lord can flow through us freely to bring healing to others.

In His Beautiful Love, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. When you are transparent there can be no hidden flaws of character. If they are there they show and make it possible to work on.
    Creator bless...
