
I AM WITH YOU...Saturday


"And surely I am with you always, 
to the very end of the age." 
-- Matthew 28:20b --

These were Jesus' parting words to His disciples as He ascended into heaven.  His reassurance for them is also reassurance for each of us.

     God never leaves us alone even for one minute of our lives.  Sometimes we "feel" alone, and sometimes we feel closer to Jesus than at other times.

     There are times we feel depressed, or go through grieving, or experience financial problems, or have difficult times with our marriages or children.  There are occasions when we pray and spend a lot of time waiting for answers to our prayers.  Life has plenty of rocky moments.

     But God uses all times, even difficult ones, to grow our relationship with Him and to show us His power.  What we feel or think or experience doesn't change Jesus' being with us always.  We can trust His promise -- to the very end of the age.

Wittem by
Carol Steficek

Here is a lovely song about God's Loving Promises



  1. And when we reach the end of our age He will be waiting for us to spend our ageless time together.
    God bless...

  2. There is such great comfort in knowing God is always with us!
